I hear that I'm over 40 on pushing 50 whatever. Bring it back off, negative, not happening. In fact,

stepping up,

training harder, eating cleaner training,

learning and reading and studying more now than I ever have in my whole life.

Do I get dinged up? Of course I do.

No factor.

No factor. Deal with

what I hear. I hear the clock ticking

press right here.

waits for no man

in you young guns out there

18 years old, 20 years old 24 years old. Listen.

Life goes by

quick, don't waste those years. Don't waste them live. I know you're gonna live to be 30 much less 40 but you are and you will. In the earlier you get in the game. Better Life healthier, wealthier, stronger, smarter, better

if you're an old man like me in You haven't gotten back on track yet. Get on track. Get on it. Now. Here's the deal. No complacency. No complacency. No backing off. No slack in whatsoever. Fight. Fight that ticking clock we've ever gotten. So by the end of our day

Put your head down.



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